MATLAB: Stop the function from displaying


I apologize for posting a similar question. I had a wrong example in my previous post. this one should show the problem. I have the following function (please do not suggest that i change the function itself):
function [sumf] = delet();
for i = 1:2;
syms d u ;
f = (char(vpa(subs((d/u – strcat('k',num2str(i))),{d,u},{1,2}))));
a = symvar(char(vpa(f)));
f = ['@(', sprintf('%k1,', a{1:end-1}), a{end}, ') ',f];
f = eval(f);
x = strcat('f',num2str(i));
eval(sprintf('%s = f',x));
sumf = @(k) f1(k(1))+f2(k(2));
once called : f = delet;
f1 =
f2 =
on the display. how do i stop this ?

Best Answer

You are missing a semicolon inside the eval
eval(sprintf('%s = f;',x));