MATLAB: Stop for loop if F <= 0

for loopif statementwhile loop

I wonder how it is possible to stop a for loop without using break. I have tried to expand the code with a while loop, but I do not manage to get it to work. Appreciate hints.
n = 20;
terskelverdi = 0.1;
F = zeros(1,n);
F(1) = 1;
F(2) = 1;
for k = 3:n
r = rand(1);
if r > terskelverdi
F(k) = F(k-1) + F(k-2);
F(k) = F(k-1) - F(k-2);
figure, plot(F,'g-'), grid
title('Fibonaccitall med tilfeldigheter opp til "n"')

Best Answer

To stop a "for" loop without using "break", you can do one of:
  • reach the natural end of iterations for the loop
  • "return" to a calling routine
  • "error" out to an enclosing try/catch (or the command line)
  • quit or exit MATLAB