MATLAB: Stepinfo

Control System ToolboxfunctionsMATLAB

why stepinfo function don't give me any numerical results for
>> q=tf([1 2 ],[ 1 2 3 4 5 7]); >> stepinfo(q)
ans =
RiseTime: NaN
SettlingTime: NaN
SettlingMin: NaN
SettlingMax: NaN
Overshoot: NaN
Undershoot: NaN
Peak: Inf
PeakTime: Inf

Best Answer

1 and 2 are roots of the numerator and are also roots of the denominator. Therefore at 1 and 2, the value of the function is not simply one of the infinities but is instead 0/0 = NaN . Transfer functions that have point singularities like this do not have defined values for the parameters you are looking for.