MATLAB: Step-back button in GUI

image processing gui matlab back buttonMATLAB and Simulink Student Suite

Hello. I have a GUI with an image processing functions. My question is, is it possible to do Back button in this gui? I store and update all events in handles. e.g. handles.inputImage = handles.inputImage_gray, handles.inputImage = handles.inputImage_poisson_noise, handles.inputImage = handles.inputImage_gaussian_filter … The result is grayscale image with Poisson noise which is filtered by Gaussian Filter… And what if i want to do step back button and remove last event (in this case handles.inputImage = handles.inputImage_gaussian_filter ) and then next and then next last event. Is it possible to store handles in listbox and find last value and then assing to this value inverted state? handles.inputImage_poisson_noise = handles.inputImage. I hope u can understand what i want to do. Thank you very much.

Best Answer

After the colors have been converted to gray, there is no way to get the colors back. But of course you can store the initial value (image) in a list to which you append the new image after each operation. Then an undo is easy to implement.
% After loading the image
handles.imageList = {imageRGB};
handles.operation = {'original'};
% At applying any operation:
image = rgb2gray(image);
handles.imageList{end+1} = image;
handles.operation{end+1} = {'RGB to gray'};
Now an "undo" is:
if numel(handles.imageList) > 1
image = handles.imageList{end-1};
and updating the display, maybe removing the last element from the lists, except you want t "redo".
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