MATLAB: Steepest descent method algorithm

algorithmhomeworkmathematicsMATLAB and Simulink Student Suiteoptimization

For practice purpose, I want to find minima of -humps() function.
I have written the following code but it's not giving correct answer
clear; clc;
f = @(x) -humps(x);
dx = 0.1; %step length
x_current = 1; %starting guess
delta = 1e-4; %threshold value
alpha = 0.1; %finding optimal step length
g = inf; %starting gradient
while norm(g) > delta
%gradient by finite difference
f1 = f(x_current + dx/2);
f2 = f(x_current - dx/2);
g = (f1-f2)/dx;
x_next = x_current-alpha*g; %new solution
x_current = x_next;
fprintf('%d %d\n',x_current,x_next);
x_current = x_next;
It give 5.543798e+01 as solution while the solution should either be 0.9 or 0.3 (local and global minimas, respectivily).
Whate am I missing here? can anyone help?

Best Answer

alpha is too big. Try alpha=0.001.