MATLAB: Steady state from data

steady statesystem dynamics

Wondering if its possible to find the steady state of a data set through a matlab function. Attached is what I'm working with and the plot is of time and theta_dot. Thanks

Best Answer

hello Matthew
see below :
%Import data
% smoothin a bit the derivative
theta_dot_smoo = sgolayfilt(theta_dot,1,21);
ylabel('theta dot');
xlabel('Time (s)');
legend('raw','sgolay filtered');
title('theta dot')
% compute steady state values based on smoothed data
threshold = 0.98*theta_dot_smoo(end); % select only values that are above 98% of the last data y amplitude (smoothed)
ind = find(theta_dot_smoo> threshold);
theta_dot_steady_sate = mean(theta_dot(ind));
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