MATLAB: ‘std::exception’ when calling python function to open GUI from MATLAB


This 'std::exception' does not happen when I call the python script from, say, the terminal. I've isolated the problem to be with a GUI I launch. I am using tkinter to open a GUI window to display some information about progress and time remaining. I thought that MATLAB would call a python function in much the same way the terminal might, but it seems that MATLAB is somehow managing the output/permissions of that python program.
Is there some permission I need to give MATLAB to permit my GUI to open and the program to continue?
I am on macOS 10.13

Best Answer

I haven't used python from Matlab myself, but Tkinter is mentioned in this doc page, which seems to suggest it isn't supported at all.
What you can do instead is using the system function to actually run it from the terminal, which should allow it to work normally as far as I can tell.