MATLAB: Std for a growing data range

growing matrixMATLABmatrixstd

Hello :),
i am looking for an effective way to calculate following problem:
for i=1:1000
"data" is a matrix with k rows and j columns. What i dont want is to calculate the std for every column. What i would need is the std for a growing data range. By each loop step the data range for the calculation of the std grows as you can see in the code snippet.
Does anyone know probably a faster solution and could give me a hint? I am thinking something with vectorization but currently i have no idea. Many thanks!

Best Answer

n = (1:size(data,1))'*size(data,2);
sq = cumsum(sum(data.^2,2));
sm = cumsum(sum(data,2));
rsStd = sqrt((sq-sm.^2./n)./(n-1)); % <-- Corrected
(I'm assuming you want the unbiased version of standard deviation.)