MATLAB: Statistical Significance using ttest2


I'm curious how to determine whether two datasets are statistically similar from a two-sample t-test (ttest2). I understand that the result gives the decision to reject (1) or accept (0) the null hypothesis, but how does the null hypothesis decision give statistical significance?
Here's an example: If I have two thermometers (A and B) that record temperature at the same location (but at different sampling frequencies) for one year, I would get two time series that should look similar but have a different number of data points. Using h = ttest2(A,B,'Vartype','unequal') h would be either 0 or 1.
Given the null hypothesis of: "the data in vectors A and B comes from independent random samples from normal distributions with equal means and equal but unknown variances"(from ), wouldn't rejection of this hypothesis mean that the datasets are NOT correlated with statistical significance? If so, does 0 represent high correlation in this case?
Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

The paired t-test says nothing about correlation. (The 'unequal' flag is about the variances.)
t = linspace(0, 10*pi);
v1 = sin(t);
v2 = 2*rand(size(t))-1;
[h,p] = ttest2(v1, v2)
h =
p =
It does indicate if the means are different (rejecting the null hypothesis) at a specific significance.
EDIT — Added example.