MATLAB: Stateflow matrix usage error.


Hello, I tried looking through the solutions posted in the forum but could not find the one matching my issue.
In model explorer I have declared a data as of size [2 1]. And like it says in the examples that if you want to initialize to 0 then you don have to specify.
Now when I try accessing this data in my stateflow chart as data[1][1]=0; The following error pops up in the build.
Parse error: Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket.
State 'Start' "[1][1]=2;"
I need to be able to access this array in a C file I am linking to.
Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong here. Thanks.

Best Answer

A few things
  1. That exact error message comes up with your chart's action language is MATLAB, which is the new default since R2014a. If you want to use the C action language, you want to go to "File > Model Properties > Chart Properties" and change the language there.
  2. You defined "data" as a 2-by-1, but recall that in the C action language the first index is 0. Therefore, the second index cannot be a "1", which denotes a second column which does not exist.
- Sebastian