MATLAB: Starter questions for neural network

Deep Learning Toolboxmatlab functionneural network

I am trying to do an analysis on monitoring of tool conditions. I have collected the tool vibrations and tool forces datas for my inputs. My weight wil be 0 (bad) to 1 (good).
1.Will nftool be suitable for this analysis?
After opening nftool,
2.Can my inputs be of different elements? Currently will be the vibration and force.
3.What is my target that i need to add?
4.Where and how do i define my weight?
5.Is there a need to put bias?
6.What will my output tell me or means?
Thank you very much for helping me.

Best Answer

1.Will nftool be suitable for this analysis?
After opening nftool,
2.Can my inputs be of different elements?
3.What is my target that i need to add?
Whatever you want, given the output is a result of the input
4.Where and how do i define my weight?
The weights are the result of training the net. See the fitnet examples.
5.Is there a need to put bias?
Always use a bias
6.What will my output tell me or means?
You have to define what the output should be, given the input.
Next you give examples of inputs and resulting output targets.
Next you train the net to output a close approximation to the target when the corresponding input is applied.
Finally, you evaluate your design on examples that were not used for training.
Try fitnet on the examples in the documentation.
Also consider other examples
help nndatasets
Hope this helps.
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