MATLAB: Start+count exceeds dimension bound (NC_EEDGE)

croppingexceed dimension boundnc_eedgenetcdf

I'm trying to load netcdf data, crop it, and then save it to a new netcdf file. For some reason I'm getting the following error and it's driving me crazy.
Error using netcdflib
The NetCDF library encountered an error during execution of 'putVaraDouble' function - 'Start+count exceeds dimension bound
Error in netcdf.putVar (line 84)
Error in (line 831)
netcdf.putVar(gid, varid,start, count, varData);
Error in ncwrite (line 75)
ncObj.write(varName, varData, start, stride);
Error in Make_initial_rst_file_no_single (line 289)
The script that it is choking on is as follows…
All I am doing is loading in "h" from an existing netcdf file, cropping it with the i and j start and end values, and trying to save it to a new netcdf file.
I have double checked the dimensions and they are correct. 32 x 37 is the dimension of the new "h" array after cropping.

Best Answer

The ncread call in you ncwrite call returns the full variable, did you mean to use the variable h instead of the function call?