MATLAB: Standard deviation of parameters in lsqcurvefit

lsqcurvefitstandard deviation

1-Is there a way to get the standard deviation or any measure of error for the optimized parameters when using lsqcurvefit?
2-can someone tell me how to get the error surface( it could one multi-dimensional depending on the number of parameters you're optimizing) in lsqcurvefit? saying it differently the amount of error in each step it is going through along with the value of parameters at that step.
I've attached a simple example of lsqcurvefit. can you show me the standard deviation on that if possible.

Best Answer

  1. If you have the Statistics Toolbox, you can use nlparci to get the confidence intervals on the parameter estimates.
  2. I am not certain what you want, but there are output Options you can set that will give you iteration updates with varying degrees of detail.