MATLAB: Standard deviation in matlab

std deviation

Hello, I have calculate in my program the mean value and I am trying to calculate the standard deviaton value of an array 20×20, without using the std command.Next, I compare my result to that whoch I get when I use the std command, but they are different.Could someone explain me the reason? Is their any problem in the types of my algorithm? Here is my code:
mean_value = 65.4250;
sum_dev = 0;
for i=1:1:20
for j=1:1:20
sum_dev = sum_dev + ((ROI(i,j)- mean_value)^2);
std_dev = ((sum_dev/(40-1))^(1/2));
std(ROI(:), 0,1)
ans =

Best Answer

You probably meant to write (400-1) and not (40-1).