MATLAB: Standalone, GUI to .exe

compilerctfdeploytoolgui to .exeMATLAB Compiler

I'm trying to make an .exe file form my GUI. I use
it opens a window where the only option I have is 'Package' no 'Build' option. After choosing needed files I click 'Package' and I end up with 3 folders (none of them contains .ctf file). I run my .exe, it looks good, edit text and popup menu work, but push button (which should generate the plot) does not. And now I have no idea where the problem is, is it the missing 'build' option ? Do I need any other complier than Matlab Compiler to make .exe? The command:
mbuild -setup
says that I do not have any Compiler installed (but Matlab Complier works)
I use Matlab R2013b, mcr installed.
Please help, Dominika

Best Answer

  1. When generating an .exe you do not need to install an aditional Compiler (new feature since R2010b). So its fine that mbuild does not find a compiler but the MATLAB Compiler is able to generate an exe
  2. Your overall workflow seems correct for what you like to achieve. So don't worry about that
  3. Most likely the compiled application does not work because of some error in your code. Please recompile your application BUT uncheck the checkbox "Do not requiere Windows Command Shell (console) for execution" in the Additional Runtime Settings in the Application Compiler UI. After that compile it and run the generated .exe from a Windows console (cmd) to be able to see any errors if there are any.
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