MATLAB: Stability margins on Nyquist plot for MIMO control systems

MATLABmimonyquist criterionstability

Dear Friends!
I hope you are all doing fine in these strange times!
I have a question regarding the stability margins for a MIMO control system transfer function. I have a nyquist plot of a systen as a 2 by 2 window plot, as there are 2 inputs and 2 outputs. To make a long story short, this is what choice I have when I want to plot characteristics of these plots (see attached screenshot)
As you can see, I have no 'Stability margins' options, as for a SISO system I usually have 2 options to choose from- minimum and all stability margins.
If there is any option of plotting these margins, please do tell.
And take care of yourselves and one another!
Cheres, Alexander

Best Answer

I figured it out. You could extract each input-ouput transfer function via g=tf(G.Numerator(i,j),G.Denominator(i,j)) where g is the SISO function you want and G is the original MIMO function and i,j are indeces of output and input respectively. That way when you use bode(g) you can estimate all stability margins.
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