MATLAB: Sprintf problems


Hello i have a file path which is this '\\psf\Home\Documents\MATLAB\silhouettes\1\00_1' This points to a set of images that i need to add to matlab which works fine. what i need to happen is that when this code is run it changes the one to a two so it would look like this '\\psf\Home\Documents\MATLAB\silhouettes\2\00_1' and then change to three and four etc, i have been told i can use sprintf to do this but cannot see a way to make it work, i don't suppose any out there has any sprintf knowledge who could help me out?
thanks Rob

Best Answer

I assume you are using the string in a loop. If not, adjust accordingly.
for ii = 1:5
S = sprintf('\\\\psf\\Home\\Documents\\MATLAB\\silhouettes\\%i\\00_1\n',ii)
In reply to your email:
The SPRINTF function creates a formatted string. the %i is the format specifier which tells SPRINTF to turn the argument (ii) into an integer. Also notice that you had to have two backslashes everywhere you wanted a single backslash printed. The backslash is the escape character, so SPRINTF doesn't print what is after it (like the \n at the end). I recommend reading the doc on this function, because it comes up all the time!