MATLAB: Splitting data in a table when ever the cell is empty

split data

I have a long set of data where 100 cycles appear in one colum under each other. Each cycle varies in length.
However they are split up with two empty cells etween each data set.
I want to split the data so the 100 cycles appear next to each other so instead of one colum with all the data there is 100. ( not necerssary but if possible ideally i would want to create a 'cell' numbered 1-100 in first colum with the data in the second colum.)
The following is just an example of what i want.3 cycles side by side.
10 20
20 6
30 8
40 7
50 5
40 4
20 6
45 0
4 3
30 6
8 8
10 20 50 5 45 0
20 6 40 4 4 3
30 8 20 6 30 6
40 7 8 8

Best Answer

Matrices can never have empty rows. What you call empty rows are rows with 0s in both columns.
If I understood correctly what you want to do:
%indentation_3hr: input matrix
zerorows = find(all(indentation_3hr == 0, 2)); %find rows with 0 in both columns
rowdist = diff([0; zerorows; size(indentation_3hr, 1)]); %distance between the rows containing 0
splitted = mat2cell(indentation_3hr, rowdist, size(indentation_3hr, 2)); %split into cell array at the 0s
splitted = cellfun(@(m) m(1:end-1, :), splitted, 'UniformOutput', false); %remove last row of each matrix (as it's [0 0])
splitted(cellfun(@isempty, splitted)) = []; %remove empty matrices (due to the double rows of [0 0])
maxheight = max(cellfun(@(m) size(m, 1), splitted)); %get height of the tallest matrix
padded = cellfun(@(m) [m; nan(maxheight - size(m, 1), size(m, 2))], splitted, 'UniformOutput', false); %pad shorter matrices with nan
newmatrix = [padded{:}]; %concatenate all padded matrices horizontally
newmatrix has 200 columns (2 columns per cycle). Shorter cycles are padded with NaN (since again, matrices cannot have empty rows).