MATLAB: Split vector by value ranges

arraycode golfcutdivideMATLABsegmentsplitvector

How can I turn the following into a single line of code?
r=w(w>0 & w<10)
s=w(w>10 & w<100)
t=w(w>100 & w<1000)
I tried variations of:
[r,s,t]=w(w>0 & w<10),w(w>10 & w<100),w(w>100 & w<1000)

Best Answer

Use anonymous functions, it allows you to implement quite complex functions in one line. MATLAB supports dot indexing into function call results, as in foo(arg).prop. Other forms of indexing into function call results (with parentheses such as foo(arg)(2) or with curly braces such as foo(arg){2}) are not supported. So, I used feval and anonymous functions to complete this function in disguise.
[r,s,t]=feval(@(x) x{:},arrayfun(@(a,b) w(w>a&w<b),[0,10,100],[10,100,1000],'UniformOutput',false));
have fun!