MATLAB: Split matrix

matrixsplit divide

we have matrix as 801* 3 and we need to split or divide this matrix to parts as 100 * 3 , the rest of matrix after split must be put in matrix also How ???

Best Answer

A = randi(1800,801,3);% A - Let your matrix.
A1 = A(1:end-1,:); % for this is case - size of A - [801x3]
outDouble3d = permute(reshape(A1.',3,100,[]),[2 1 3]);
outCell = mat2cell(A,[100*ones(fix(size(A,1)/100),1);1],3)
n = 89;
[m,k] = size(A);
t = rem(m,n);
if ~t, t = []; end
outCell = mat2cell(A,[n*ones(fix(m/n),1);t],k)