MATLAB: Split array into training and testing

cell arraysdividesplit

I have a set of data (DataA has 106×14). I want to split the rows into 2 section, one for training and one for testing. Here is my code:
[trainA,testA] = divideblock(DataA.', .7, .3); % 70% for training 30% for testing.
trainData = trainA.';
testData = testA.';
Result: but the total data I have after executing the code is only 93 (66×14 for traindata, 27×14 for testdata) I don't want to use valInd since I don't need it.
PLEASE correct me.

Best Answer

dataA = cumsum(ones(20,3)) % some test data
p = .7 % proportion of rows to select for training
N = size(dataA,1) % total number of rows
tf = false(N,1) % create logical index vector
tf(1:round(p*N)) = true
tf = tf(randperm(N)) % randomise order
dataTraining = dataA(tf,:)
dataTesting = dataA(~tf,:)