MATLAB: Split array into some equal and some unequal length sections


I have an array which is 41683 rows long. I wish to split this into as many new arrays of 60 rows as possible.
However, 41683 does not divide by 60 into whole numbers (694.717); hence I need to write some code that will result in 694 columns x 60 rows and a final columns for the remaining 43 rows (0.717 x 60).
I have tried using:
a = [1:41683]'
b = reshape(a,60,[]) but because 41863 is not completely divisible by 60, I get an error.
Can anyone help please?
Many thanks,

Best Answer

n = 60;
ii = (1:numel(a))';
out = accumarray([rem(ii-1,n)+1,ceil(ii/n)],a,[],[],nan);
out = reshape([a;nan(mod(-numel(a),n),1)],n,[]);