MATLAB: Split 3D Mesh with plane Cut

3d mesh3d plotsmesh

I have made 3D analysis code and I want to split 3D mesh into 2 parts with 2D plane, the final result i need is to find out what are the nodes on the left side and the right side, what you see on the image below is the nodes of the 3D object (bumpy), Do you know what method or library i need to use to solve this problem?
Here is my data structure from the 2D plane:
Column 1: Face
Column 2: X coordinate
Column 3: Y coordinate
column 4: Z coordinate
Column 5: Finite Element Value
The data structure from the 3D mesh is containing the same data like the table above, Thanks so much!

Best Answer

Hello Paulus,
I would try to work only in 2D: projecting the plane to a line in the XY plane. Also, project the points on the XY plane. Once done, the problem just simplifies in only one constraint:
- Defining y=mx+n the projected line on the XY plane and A(xa,ya) an arbitrary point containing the XY coordinates from the 3D mesh:
- If ya>y(xa)=mxa+n the point is on the 'left'
- If ya<y(xa)=mxa+n the point is on the 'right'
Also, you will need to include the point inside the line case and give it a value (left or right).
If you pass the data including the 3D mesh and the plane I could work on a code. I hope that this explanation helps.
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