MATLAB: Spell cheaker stuck in loop


Ive got a simple enough problem code has to make sure user input is correct but Ive made a very ugly while loop and its not working at all probably needs to be completely redone, any tips are appreciated
if true
InputString = input('Input:', 's');
lenghtInput = length(InputString);
test = 'UuGgCcAa';
i = 1;
j = 1;
c = 1;
correctInput = false;
while correctInput ~= true
if InputString(i) ~= test(j) || j == lenghtInput
if c == 3
c = 0;
i = i + 1;
correctInput = true;
%it needs to check the only characters used are in the test variable

Best Answer

tf = ismember(InputString, 'UuGgCcAa');
correctInput = all(tf);