MATLAB: Speeding up code


I've written a code to calculate three numbers for me, however with the first for loop it takes forever to run compared to without it. I know it is over a large range but I was wondering if there was anyway to speed it up?
C_pd = Specific_Heat(T_d,X_d);
C_pb = Specific_Heat(T_b,X_b);
e = 0.1;
f = e;
g = 0.01;
i = 1;
k = 0;
l = 100;
m = k;
n = l;
for j=1:3
for T_f = k:e:l
C_pf = Specific_Heat(T_f,X_f);
a = M_f*C_pf*(T_f-T_cw);
for T_o = m:f:n
b = M_d*C_pd*(T_d-T_o) + M_b*C_pb*(T_b-T_o);
if abs(a-b)<g
T(1,i) = T_f;
T(2,i) = T_o;
k = min(T(1,:));
l = max(T(1,:));
m = min(T(2,:));
n = max(T(2,:));
e = e/10;
f = f/10;
g = g/10;
The idea of this code is to calculate the three variables, starting with a range of 0:100 until they converge. I know the answers are supposed to be T_f = 68 and T_o = 36 however am currently getting no where near those as it is taking too long to converge.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Just found the answer
buy the parallel computing toolbox.
Was able to solve this with 100 iterations of my code (the first for loop run 100 times) in less than a second as soon as this was purchased (cost £18)
before that it was taking over 20 seconds to do 3 loops.
can finally use my i7 to its full potential