MATLAB: Speeding up calculation of thousands of small matrices with CUDA GPU – at the moment, it’s slower than CPU…

cudagpuMATLABmldivideParallel Computing Toolbox

I have a 3.0 compute capability GPU in my computer, and the parallel processing toolbox.
My current code runs significantly faster on the CPU, even without parfor or spmd, than it does on the GPU. You can run the attached code, if you would like to try it.
My question is: how can I make this faster on the GPU, if a GPU is even the right tool for this kind of problem. I have looked at arrayfun and vectorization (I suspect it's as vectorized as it's getting) and glanced at writing CUDA kernals.
Two primary points:
1. I think CUDA/GPU is made more for a small number of operations of enormous matrices (operating with themselves, such as x=x*x, where size(x) > 1000). But as you can see, my code is thousands of operations for many different small matrices.
2. There are only 6 elements in this particular case that I need to change (5000 times). Everything else is the same.
Thank you for your help.
gm = 6e6*2*pi;
M = rand(256,256);
% comment for quick disabling of gpu arrays to compare to CPU speed
p = gpuArray(p);
B = gpuArray(B);
M = gpuArray(M);
gm = gpuArray(gm);
R = C;
Q = gpuArray.zeros(256,256);
% comment above for quick disable
for n=1:length(p),
Q(3,3) = -1i*(Delta(n)/2)-gm/2;
Q(4,4) = 1i*(Delta(n)/2)-gm/2;
Q(5,5) = -1i*(Delta(n)/2)-gm/2;
Q(6,6) = 1i*(Delta(n)/2)-gm/2;
Q(7,7) = -1i*Delta(n);
Q(8,8) = 1i*Delta(n);
Md = M+Q;
C = Md\B;
R(n) = real(C(2)); % C(2) = excited state pop rho_33
plot(p, gather(R))

Best Answer

It doesn't look well-suited to the GPU to me. The GPU is meant for many parallel computations each requiring a small total amount of data. It's true that each of your tasks involves a small amount of new data, but there is still a large amount of additional, old data in the computation (the data in the matrix M).
PARFOR on the CPU would be the best bet, I'd say. It would help, though, if you preallocated R to its full intended length, length(p).