MATLAB: Speedgoat IO601 block s-functions

code generationio601s-functionspeedgoat

When the code is generated from Speedgoat IO601 blocks, the generated code can not be inlined and from Configuration Parameters, Support non-inlined s-function check have to be made and this results in highly inefficient code. How those s-functions underlying those blocks can be inlined? Is there any other way beside inlining those s-functions and make the code more efficient?

Best Answer

The Support non-inlined s-function option appears for ERT-based targets. This is not related to the IO601 drivers, but generally to the Simulink Real-Time environment.
By default, SLRT uses Tunable parameters, as tuning parameters is one of the main purpose of real-time testing. You can optimize the generated code, by selectively inline parameters: Configuration Parameters -> Optimization -> Signals and Parameters.