MATLAB: Speed up for loop, accumarray

image processingMATLABspeed

I would like to speed up my two for loop with accumarray (I have old version of MatLab and I've read on internet that accumarray will speed up my operation)
if true
for i = 1:size(img, 1)
for j = 1:size(img, 2)
R = idx(i, j, 1);
G = idx(i, j, 2);
B = idx(i, j, 3);
H(R,G,B) = H(R,G,B) + 1;

Best Answer

This gives exactly the same output as your code:
H = accumarray(reshape(idx,[],3),1);
First I ran your code on some random arrays:
img = randi(6,5,4,3);
idx = img;
H = zeros(6,6,6);
for i = 1:size(img, 1)
for j = 1:size(img, 2)
R = idx(i, j, 1);
G = idx(i, j, 2);
B = idx(i, j, 3);
H(R,G,B) = H(R,G,B) + 1;
Then compared the outputs:
>> Z = accumarray(reshape(idx,[],3),1);
>> isequal(Z,H)
ans = 1