MATLAB: Speed comparison S-Function – Simulink blocks


I have simulink Level 2 M File S-Function block and I have also a subsystem with simulink blocks written to do exactly the same thing, they solve the same differential equations. The subsytem runs much faster thant the S-function block.
How should the performance of a S-Function block compare to a fully simulink based model? In this case I am talking about a Level 2 M file S Function.
Thank you for your answers.

Best Answer

MATLAB-file s-functions are interpreted by the MATLAB engine. Core blocks are compiled.
As said on wikipedia:
"The main disadvantage of interpreting is a much slower speed of program execution"
If you want to write MATLAB code that runs fast, you can use the MATLAB Function Block (previously called Embedded MATLAB Function block). Or you also have the option to write a C-Mex s-function.
I wrote posts about including MATLAB code in a simulation:
and about speeding up a simulation: