MATLAB: Spectrogram and ginput


I have a script that worked in prior versions. Now using 7.11.0(2010b). The script plots with Spectrogram and then obtains user input with ginput. However, the crosshairs seem to be whiting out the plot where ever the cursor is dragged. This does not happen with other plots, only those generated with Spectrogram.
Any ideas of why this is happening or how to resolve this?
Am running Windows 64-bit on an iMac, if that makes any difference.

Best Answer

Had that problem once, never found a good fix just a workaround, edit ginput comment the line set(fig,'pointer','fullcrosshair'); change the name of the function to ginput2 and save as ginput2.m , now use ginput2 instead, you lose the crosshair but the problem is gone.
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