MATLAB: Specify size output


Hi I (with lots of help) have written the following code:
In = dlmread(FileName);
[unDates,trash,IDX] = unique(In(:,1:5),'rows');
Out = [unDates zeros(size(unDates,1),1)];
for d = 1:size(unDates,1)
Out(d,end) = mean(In(IDX == d,end));
dlmwrite ('IonOut.csv',Out,'-append','precision','%0.10g','delimiter',',');
It does its job of finding unique values column 5 of a csv file that looks like this:
2002,1,1 ,13, 731217, 1119.566899634552 , 8.11440000
however the output file leaves off the last column, I cant see what I have done wrong, can anyone help?

Best Answer

Does "Out" contain the wanted values? Or do you want to consider the last two columns of the input? Please check this by "disp(Out)".
INSERTED: Code to consider the 6th column also:
[unDates,trash,IDX] = unique(In(:,1:5), 'rows');
siz = size(unDates);
Out = [unDates, zeros(siz(1), 2)];
for d = 1:siz(1)
Out(d, 6:7) = mean(In(IDX == d, 6:7), 1);
Are you sure, that you want to append the calculated data to the file?
INSERTED: If you do not want to append the values to the file, omit the -append flag.
dlmwrite('IonOut.csv', Out, 'precision','%0.10g', 'delimiter', ',');