MATLAB: Specific pseudo-randomised number generator.

number generatorpseudorandom

I am currenlty running an experiment that reads from a text file that requires specific formatting.
I need to create a matrix composed to two colunms (e.g. 200 x 2). One column needs to consist of only 1's and -1's in a pseudorandomised order with no more than three repeats of the same number consequatively and each number to appear an equal amount of times. The other column needs to be composed of 0's and 1's, where the 1's match up with the 1's in the first column and the 0's match up with the -1's.
I was wondering if this would be simple to do in Matlab and/or if anyone could help me out?

Best Answer

n = 2*ones(2,50);
for k=1:2
p=randperm(50,32); % you might randomize 32 as well (must be even number in [0,50]);
n(k,p)=repmat([1 3],1,length(p)/2);
A=repelem(repmat([-1 0; 1 1],50,1),n(:),1)
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