MATLAB: Sparsfun built-in function


I have a code that uses the sparsfun function, but when I run the code I get the following error:
Error using sparsfun
Unknown command option.
I try to get help on that function, but it does not exist and when I use the which function I get:
built-in (undocumented) % char method
Does anyone know about this function?

Best Answer

There is not even a single reference to sparsfun in the R2018b code in any .m in any of the toolboxes I have access to (many, but not all.)
It appears it was a routine that was used in the past to implement some of the sparse matrix operations.
There are a couple of commands documented for it in
The brief description from also references nnz
It looks like matlab.internal.math.getOrSetSPPARMS() has replaced at least some of the uses.