MATLAB: Sparse matrices for Aineq,Aeq in genetic algorithm soler(ga) – Reg

genetic algorithmMATLABoptimization

I want to know whether we can use sparse matrices for Aineq and Aeq to be passed as the parameters to the ga(genetic algorithm) solver,
When i tried with sparse matrices for Aineq and Aeq the solver is showing busy symbol for very long time.
The size of Aineq and Aeq matrices are 36 constraints and 108 variables.
please guide.

Best Answer

No, ga does not accept sparse linear constraint matrices. When I tried to pass them just now, I got the following warnings:
Warning: The equality constraint matrix is sparse; converting to a full matrix.
Warning: The inequality constraint matrix is sparse; converting to a full matrix.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation