MATLAB: Sorting the rows of a 2-column matrix based on entries from one column.

arrayarray manipulationcolumnmatrix manipulationsortvector

I have a matrix with two columns. The first column is numbers and the second is a string of words. I want to sort the entire matrix in ascending order based on the first column entries and without losing each number's second column pair. A simplified example is as follows:
4 Apple
3 Orange
6 Pear
1 Peach
1 Peach
3 Orange
4 Apple
6 Pear

Best Answer

C = {4, 'Apple';
3, 'Orange';
6, 'Pear';
1, 'Peach'};
ans =
4×2 cell array
[1] 'Peach'
[3] 'Orange'
[4] 'Apple'
[6] 'Pear'
See the documentation for sortrows for details.