MATLAB: Sorting matrix through multiple conditions

multiple conditions

Say i have a 12*2 matrix having two parameters where
a=[2;4;5;80;40;5;43;22;6;56;6;57] &
i want to get a column matrix using if else statement of 4 conditions like below.
the conditions are 1. 2<a<10 and 110<b<130
2. 40<a<50 and 220<b<250
the result will be like below, where the 1st condition match it will show 5, where the 2nd condition matches it will show 9 else it will show 0
final result=[0;5;0;0;0;0;9;0;0;0;0;0]

Best Answer

Although I do not know, what the question is, a dare to guess:
a = [2;4;5;80;40;5;43;22;6;56;6;57];
b = [100;122;132;120;108;200;231;211;165;127;130;150];
c = zeros(size(a));
c( 2<a & a<10 & 110<b & b<130) = 5;
c(40<a & a<50 & 220<b & b<250) = 9;
You see: you have been almost there. I only replaced the logical expression "a<b<c" by a<b & b<c and the "and" by an "&".