MATLAB: Sorting data extracted from the name of a group of files


I have a group of files named like this:
files=[{' x+0.000mm_y_+0.000mm_z_+0.000mm.dat_ '}
{' x+5.000mm_y_+10.000mm_z_+0.000mm.dat_ '
{' x+10.000mm_y_+20.000mm_z_+30.000mm.dat_ '}
{' x+15.000mm_y_+40.000mm_z_+0.000mm.dat_ '}
{' x+20.000mm_y_+60.000mm_z_+0.000mm.dat_ '}]
I need to have the X and Y coordinates this way and order:
0 0
5 10
10 20
15 40
20 60
When i use:
coord = regexp(files,'\d+(\.\d+)?','match')
I oibtain the three coordenates but HOWEVER they are not displayed in the same order as the name of the files, and it is a very important problem, to solve.
I need somehow to have the 3 coordinates in the same order as the files whose they are extracted.
Do you know how to doi it? Why do they follow another order? Is this about the 'match'??

Best Answer

files = {' x+0.000mm_y_+0.000mm_z_+0.000mm.dat_ ', ...
' x+5.000mm_y_+10.000mm_z_+0.000mm.dat_ ', ...
' x+10.000mm_y_+20.000mm_z_+30.000mm.dat_ ', ...
' x+15.000mm_y_+40.000mm_z_+0.000mm.dat_ ', ...
' x+20.000mm_y_+60.000mm_z_+0.000mm.dat_ '}
coordC = regexp(files,'\d+(\.\d+)?','match');
coord = cat(1, coords{:});
'0.000' '0.000' '0.000'
'5.000' '10.000' '0.000'
'10.000' '20.000' '30.000'
'15.000' '40.000' '0.000'
'20.000' '60.000' '0.000'
This exactly the same order as the list of file names. Therefore I do not understand the question. Please post, what you observe.