MATLAB: Sorting by multiple columns in a table with natural number sorting


I have a table of data that I want to sort by pair number and by trial number.
The issue is that if I use:
data = sortrows(data, {'pairNum', 'trialNum'}, {'ascend', 'ascend'});
It sorts with trial 10 being before trial 1.
However, if I try and use Stephen Cobeldick's nat sort function, I can't take into account the pair number as well as the trial number so it ends up sorting with all trial 1s, then all trial 2s etc.. (doesnt preserve the order of the pairs).
Is there a way to sort my table so that my pairs go from 1-100, and within those pairs, the trial numbers go from 1-100?
Also, I tried adding zeros to the trial numbers so that it would hopefully sort 01 before 10, but when I convert to a number using str2num and/or str2double, it gets rid of the leading zeros.
data.trialNum = strsplit(sprintf('%02d ',data.trialNum))';
The datatset is attached as a .mat file.

Best Answer

Here's a simple example that works for me:
pairNum = randi(15,1,200)';
trialNum = randi(15,1,200)';
data=table(pairNum, trialNum)
data = sortrows(data,{'pairNum','trialNum'})