MATLAB: Sort of peak analysis


I'd like to analyze this graph (is a vector) to have an answer like this:
for 1 to number of peaks:
PEAK_1=[start of peak_1, finish of peak_1, maximum, area under peak_1]
PEAK_2=[start of peak_2, finish of peak_2, maximum, area under peak_2]
PEAK_N=[start of peak_N, finish of peak_N, maximum, area under peak_N]
I am planning to do a "for" loop checking each value and its predecesor to determine when does a peak start and finish and a while to take the actions. My question is, is there any easier way to determine when does each peak star and finish?
Also, if anybody has any imaginative way better than mine it will be welcome.

Best Answer

How i found start and end of each peak
% generate some data
x = linspace(-1,17);
y = sin(x);
y = y.*(y>0);
thresh = 0.1;
ind = find(abs(y) < thresh); % find 'zeros' points
i = find( diff(ind)>1 ); % find breaks
i = [i; i+1]; % add 'end' points for each peak
i = reshape(i,2,[])';
ind = ind(i); % two columns: start - end points
hold on
plot([min(x) max(x)],[1 1]*thresh)
Use finpeaks() to get max value for each peak
Use trapz() to calculate area