MATLAB: Sort coordinates based on closest connectivity

3d linesconnectivitycoordinatessorttraveling salesman problem

I have an nx3 array representing x,y,z coordinates in space. These coordinates are all connected and represent a tortuous line. I would like to calculate the length of this line, however the coordinates I have are not in order of connectivity. Is it possible to reorder them such that I can simply calculate the length by doing a for loop like:
length = 0;
for i = 1:length(array)-1
length = norm([coords(i,1)-coords(i+1,1),coords(i,2)-coords(i+1,2),coords(i,3)-coords(i+1,3)]);
I have tried just finding the neighbours of each coordinate and reordering that way, but this gets very convoluted quickly and requires that I "walk" through the line. For the total dataset I am trying to analyze I will literally have millions of these lines, so I am trying to avoid slow solutions like that.
Edit: The lines I'm working with are in an image, and the points on the line must have a max distance from each consecutive point of (1,1,1). That is, 1 pixel in x,y, and z.