MATLAB: Sort cell elements according to one column


Hi all,
I have a cell array like this:
K>> err
err =
3×6 cell array
[1] [ 1] [] [] [31×31 double] []
[2] [ 2] [] [] [31×31 double] []
[3] [1.5] [] [] [31×31 double] []
I'd like to sort it in ascending order of the 2nd column, in an order of 1, 1.5, 2, so it becomes
K>> err
err =
3×6 cell array
[1] [ 1] [] [] [31×31 double] []
[3] [1.5] [] [] [31×31 double] []
[2] [ 2] [] [] [31×31 double] []
How can I do it? Thanks!

Best Answer

[~, order] = sort(cell2mat(err(:, 2)));
sortederr = err(order, :)
edit: actually a lot simpler since sortrows works with cell arrays:
sortederr = sortrows(err, 2)