MATLAB: Sort and extract elemets from a structure.

extractfindsortstructure array

Hello all,
I have the following structure/array which i loaded it from mytext.txt
VarA ParamM ParamN VarB ParamP ParamQ Mode
7000 tot7000 Option1 1.3325 7.09756 7.19919 ER
7000 tot7000 Option2 1.3325 7.09756 7.19919 ER
7000 tot7000 Option1 1.33097 7.09757 7.19919 VR
7000 tot7000 Option2 1.33097 7.09757 7.19919 VR
7000 tot7000 Option3 1.3286 7.09756 7.19919 ER
7000 tot7000 Option3 1.32596 7.09757 7.19919 VR
8000 tot8000 Option2 1.28719 7.09133 7.19268 ER
8000 tot8000 Option1 1.28702 7.09133 7.19268 ER
8000 tot8000 Option2 1.2868 7.09131 7.19267 VR
8000 tot8000 Option1 1.28663 7.09131 7.19267 VR
8000 tot8000 Option3 1.28301 7.09131 7.19267 VR
8000 tot8000 Option3 1.28123 7.09133 7.19268 ER
6000 pop6000 Option1 1.26447 7.10247 7.20513 VR
6000 pop6000 Option1 1.26431 7.10247 7.20512 ER
6000 tot6000 Option1 1.25784 7.10293 7.20541 VR
6000 tot6000 Option2 1.25784 7.10293 7.20541 VR
6000 tot6000 Option1 1.25779 7.10292 7.20540 ER
6000 tot6000 Option2 1.25779 7.10292 7.20540 ER
6000 tot6000 Option3 1.2537 7.10292 7.20540 ER
The idea is to sort and we extract(plot(VarA,VarB) after sorting as follow:
a) Sort rows after Mode (ER for example)
b) Sort the resulting matrix after Param N, say (Option 2)
c) Sort the resulting matrix after Param M say (tot)
Results should be for example:
VarA ParamM ParamN VarB ParamP ParamQ Mode
6000 tot6000 Option2 1.25784 7.10293 7.20541 VR
7000 tot7000 Option2 1.33097 7.09757 7.19919 VR
8000 tot8000 Option2 1.2868 7.09131 7.19267 VR
The same for Mode ER
I build a function as follow
function [tot_VR tot_ER]=verif(mydata)
varA_VR=cellfun(@str2num, mycell_tab_VR_Option2_tot(:,1), 'UniformOutput', false);
varB_VR=cellfun(@str2num,mycell_tab_VR_Option2_tot(:,4), 'UniformOutput', false);
I just wonder if is much easier way how can be done this kind of find, sort and extract?
(I was not using Matlab at all in the last 3 years)
Thank you,

Best Answer

tables are a vastly superior way of handling this data. Does this do it?
mydata= readtable('mytext.txt');
sorted_data = sortrows(mydata,{'Modul1';'ParamN';'ParamM'});