MATLAB: Sort and export data from 2 cells

arraycell arraysMATLAB

Hey all,
I have 2 cells (A and B). Each one contains three 1×2 tables. In each table, I have a month number column and precipitation amount column. I would like to have a cell or table that presents all January precipitation from each cell arrays of A in one column Below each other, and next column all January precipitation from each cell arrays of B below each other; and do it until December.
the results that I want is something like this: (row are 3 because of 3 cella arrays in each cell and columns are 24 because of 12 for cell A months and 12 for cell B months)
Thank you

Best Answer

Try this
a = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) {x{:,2}}, A))';
b = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) {x{:,2}}, B))';
M = zeros(size(a,1), size(a,2)*2);
M(:,1:2:end) = a;
M(:,2:2:end) = b;
month_names = month(datetime(2020,1:12,1), 'name');
varNames = cell(1,24);
varNames(1:2:end) = strcat(month_names, '_1');
varNames(2:2:end) = strcat(month_names, '_2');
T = table(M);
T = splitvars(T, 1, 'NewVariableNames', varNames);