MATLAB: Sort and add value from same neighbour value

cellcell arraysMATLABmatrix

I have a calculation problem and need anyone help to solve it.
out =
'Q7' [ 0] 'Q12G' [ 0] 'Q12G' [ 0] 'Q7' [ 0] 'Q12G' [ 0] 'Q12G' [ 0]
'Q12H' [-3] 'Q12L' [-3] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
1. I have 12 columns. First, I want to combine column 1&2,5&6,9&10 in cell A
'Q7' [ 0]
'Q12H' [-3]
'Q12G' [ 0]
[] []
'Q12G' [ 0]
[] []
2. Then, I want to combine column 3&4,7&8,11&12 in cell B
'Q12G' [ 0]
'Q12L' [-3]
'Q7' [ 0]
[] []
'Q12G' [ 0]
[] []
My question is, can we sort cell A and B, then add right column values of same left column values, and merge them become one value only instead of occur multiple times.
The output will become like this.
'Q7' [0]
'Q12H' [-3]
'Q12G' [0]
'Q12G' [0]
'Q12L' [-3]
'Q7' [0]
Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

If I am parsing your question correctly you're asking how you can remove empty lines from a cell and sum the values in the second column for duplicate indices in the first column. Is this correct? If so, you can use unique to find duplicate indices.
%look here:
empty_idx=cellfun('isempty', A(:,1));
A=A(~empty_idx,:);%remove empty cells
for n=1:length(a)%loop over all positions
Please note that the loop will be very inefficient if A gets large.