MATLAB: Sort an array and store them into subarrays


Hi, I have a question regarding sorting arrary and store them into subset. How can I sort an array according to the second column value and store them into subarrays. and get the value of second column. So for an arrary like the following, I would know there are 3 groups(1,2,3) according column 2 and I would get 3 subsets. Thanks a lot.
if true
1 1 9999.69307 3.374E-28
1 1 9999.72441 4.662E-27
1 2 9999.73112 2.083E-29
1 2 9999.93918 4.851E-29
1 1 9999.95707 1.353E-26
1 3 9999.69307 3.374E-28
1 1 9999.72441 4.662E-27
1 2 9999.74112 2.083E-29
1 3 9999.98918 4.851E-29
1 1 9999.99707 1.353E-26 end

Best Answer

A = [ 1 1 9999.69307 3.374E-28
1 1 9999.72441 4.662E-27
1 9 9999.73112 2.083E-29
1 9 9999.93918 4.851E-29
1 1 9999.95707 1.353E-26
1 3 9999.69307 3.374E-28
1 5 9999.72441 4.662E-27
1 2 9999.74112 2.083E-29
1 3 9999.98918 4.851E-29
1 3 9999.99707 1.353E-26];
B=sortrows(A,2); % Sort A according to second column;