MATLAB: Sort a table in ascending order

arrayexcelMATLABmatrix arraytablevector

How can I sort a table-type array in ascending order
For example
First mode

Best Answer

The answer would be relatively straightforward, as well as much more efficient, if you would orient your table the other way. With data such as yours, table is really designed to be used this way:
>> Name = ["roni" ; "tim" ; "jon" ; "lie" ; "kim"];
>> TestScore = [90 ; 45 ; 67 ; 84 ; 32];
>> T = table(Name,TestScore)
T =
5×2 table
Name TestScore
______ _________
"roni" 90
"tim" 45
"jon" 67
"lie" 84
"kim" 32
Then you could sort the table using sortrows:
>> T2 = sortrows(T,"TestScore")
T2 =
5×2 table
Name TestScore
______ _________
"kim" 32
"tim" 45
"jon" 67
"lie" 84
"roni" 90