MATLAB: Sort 2 matrices for minimum numbers sum and divide them


I have r = [ 1 3 4 5 ……n]
and x = [ 5 8 9 4 ……n]
I will like to do this computation
when m = 1
sort the lowest number of r and divide it with the lowest number of x till the end n
for example =[ 1/4, 3/5, 4/8, 5/9…….n]
when m = 2
= [(1 + 3) / (5 + 4) , (4 +5)/(8+9) , ………..n]
when m =3
=[ (1 + 3 + 4)/( 4 + 5 + 8),…………….n]
Thanks for your help in advance

Best Answer

This is MATLAB, so don't waste your time writing inefficient loops.
Learn to write simpler vectorized code, just like experienced MATLAB users do:
>> r = sort([1,3,4,5,10]); % sorted!

>> x = sort([5,8,9,4,10]); % sorted!
>> m = 1;
>> n = m*fix(numel(r)/m);
>> sum(reshape(r(1:n),m,[]),1) ./ sum(reshape(x(1:n),m,[]),1)
ans =
0.25000 0.60000 0.50000 0.55556 1.00000
>> m = 2;
>> n = m*fix(numel(r)/m);
>> sum(reshape(r(1:n),m,[]),1) ./ sum(reshape(x(1:n),m,[]),1)
ans =
0.44444 0.52941
>> m = 3;
>> n = m*fix(numel(r)/m);
>> sum(reshape(r(1:n),m,[]),1) ./ sum(reshape(x(1:n),m,[]),1)
ans =