MATLAB: SonnetsCounts.mat file

ldaText Analytics Toolbox

Does anyone know how the sonnetsCounts.mat file was created on the following MATLAB page:
Predict Top LDA Topics of Word Count Matrix
Load the example data. sonnetsCounts.mat contains a matrix of word counts and a corresponding vocabulary of preprocessed versions of Shakespeare's sonnets.
load sonnetsCounts.mat
ans = 1×2
154 3092
When I open the sonnetsCounts.mat file, it has the following data
val =
(1,1) 1
(106,1) 1
(131,1) 2
(154,1) 1
(1,2) 1
(143,2) 1
I presume the second column in the frequency of words. But I'm not sure if the vector in the first column represents two words?

Best Answer

The counts is a sparse matrix.
(143,2) 1
means that sonnet #143, unique word #2, had a count of 1.