MATLAB: Somone can help me with unique and find function


Hello everyone,
I have two matrix A and B and i wanna find the row equals in both matrix and remove the line on matrix B. I wanna safe on the vector the position the lines,How can i do it?
For example:
A = [1 2 6 3;
4 5 6 9;
7 7 7 6;
9 8 7 3];
B = [0 9 6 3;
3 5 1 9;
7 7 7 6;
9 8 9 9];
the row equals is row 3. So i wanna find the rows equal, that's row 3 and leave the matrix B this way:
B = [0 9 6 3;
3 5 1 9;
9 8 9 9];
vector = 3;
Help me

Best Answer

[lo,ix]= ismember(A,B,'rows')
B = B(~lo,:)
vector = ix(lo)