MATLAB: Some Syntax Error

neural networktilde problem

function [ann] = createnn(S,T)
x=0; source = S; targets = T;
[S2, ~] = size(targets);% Problem is here Error says
S1 = 70;
ann = newff(minmax(source),[S1 S2],{'tansig' 'tansig'},'traingda'); ann.LW{2,1} = ann.LW{2,1}*0.01; ann.b{2} = ann.b{2}*0.01; ann.performFcn = 'mse'; ann.trainParam.goal = 0.000000001; = 20; ann.trainParam.epochs = 500000; = 0.95; S = source; T = targets; [ann,tr] = train(ann,S,T);
??? Error: File: createnn.m Line: 6 Column: 7 Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket.

Best Answer

You are running code which was written in a newer version of MATLAB. Your version does not recognize the tilde being used this way. Go through the code with ctr+f and replace all occurrences of ~ with the word junk.
For example, use this:
[S2, junk] = size(targets);% Problem is here Error says